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From Create Your Own Story

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"Now then." You pause for a moment as to sit on the edge of the freshly made bed letting you clasped hands fall into your lap.

"If you are going to be staying under this roof you will need to understand the rules, the rules I have set for you." Carla goes to open her mount in protest but a raised hand from you silences her though the anger still burns widely in her eyes.

"First rule, you will listen when I speak without interruption. If you wish to raise question you may do so after I speak. Secondly, any task I ask of you, you shall do without question. Third, you still stay at my side, morning till sun fall, unless I say otherwise." You pause allowing the words to sink into Carla's mind, and with tightly closed fists she glares back into your eyes.

"Easy enough to follow, if not, punishment will be delivered, something I am not fond of but will do if necessary. Do you understand?" You wait for a moment for Carla to respond those she doesn't.

Leaning forward you inch closer to her till your eyes are on the same level.

"Do, you, under, stand?" You question putting emphasis on your words.

"Yes." Carla mutters through gritted teeth.

"Yes what?" You question her with a little smirk in your voice.

"Yes, I, under, stand." Carla spits the words out at you before turning her head away in disgust.


Having sent Carla off to the baths you relax on the bed thinking of the days to come, it won't be easy but you'll manage some how. Thinking back you wished you had asked more about Carla before you purchased her so quickly but your damn impulse was far to great to stop you.

It was a soft knock at the door which caused you to sit up from your bedding. Eyes turning towards the door you call out to the person to enter. Arriving in your room is your stocky father, his fur cloak following in his wake.

"Hello father." You speak softly standing from your bed side to greet him, this time without blood trailing down your face.

"Recovered quickly I see?" He questions casually at the bandage that tapped to your forehead.

"She has a good swing, I'll give her that much." You stiffen slightly at the thought of her strike.

"Yes... How was it you punished her, I assume you did." Stepping forward your father glances at you with intent in his eyes.

"Not the way most would have, but yes, yes I did." Pointing over your shoulder to the freshly scrubbed flooring and new covers.

"I would have to agree, most wouldn't have done so... son, are you sure she was the correct choice? It hasn't even been a full day since she arrived her and already she has attacked you." While you feel annoyed that your father is prying into your decision you hear the concern in his voice.

"If I can train her, I can train anyone. She is a hand full... even more so-" You add the remark with the rising eye brow of your father.

"I can manage, today was a set back but also a lesson. Give me a few weeks and you will see I have the skills to train her."

"I don't doubt you do son, but I don't want to see you die at the hands of a slave." Patting your shoulder gently your father takes stride and leaves from the room though pausing at the doorway.

"Oh and here comes your pet." And with that your father fades through the door way.

Not a few seconds later Carla appears through the archway. You freeze for a moment as the world seems to slow down, the warming light of the morning sun causing her long white legs to glow in its basking light. Like her head in flames the long red hair flutters around her shoulders with each step of legs creating a shimmering pattern as it swings back and forth. Given fresh cloths of a simple white shirt and pants and freshly washed you are taken back by her sudden change.

"What?" Carla's harsh voice quickly breaks through your awe as you shake your head from one side to the other.

"Nothing... I did make the right choice."

"What does that mean?" Carla grunts with a flash of her teeth.

"More than you will ever know, but enough about that. There is much to do today, I think its time to resume your training."

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