Roast the suckers

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:19, 14 January 2008 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

You roar your anger. The men falter and cringe. Golden flames leap from your mouth and consume the men and the ballista. You hear their agonized screams. They scream and scream and scream. Finally, the sound ends. You stop breathing fire and look at the damage you inflicted. Where the soldiers were, there are black smears on the floor and melted blobs of armor. Several charred pieces of wood show where the ballista once stood. The bonfire's fuel has been consumed and its flames have faltered and died before your onslaught.

Suddenly, the clank of armor and silent swearing alert you to the presense of another. A soldier dashes out from hiding and runs towards the wall furthest from you. Looking closely, you now see a tunnel there, hidden by the shadows.

Do you...

Health 650 Form:

Golden Dragon

MP 28
Level 3
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