User talk:IcarusDragon

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:34, 29 August 2015 by ConradDE (Talk | contribs)
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Hello IcarusDragon, I've been reading your story Marmota Nights for a little while now and just recently saw that you'd like to know what we thought of the story so far.

I for one think it's absolutely magnificent, even though I assume only a fraction of it is completed. The writing is mechanically sound and get the point across without having to use too many words, the plot is interesting and the story's introduction manages to catch the reader's interest right from the beginning (in my case at least, starting a story off by killing the protagonist made me want to know just how it would continue). But what I love the most is the characters. The incest theme can sometimes be hard to pull off without making the family just appear like a group of people who happen to be living together; but the characters really come off as people, with their own unique personalities and relationships with the main character. I also like how the feeling of deep shame is expressed whenever we fail to make advances on the mother, just like most people would do if they managed to forever ruin the relationship with their own parents.

I could probably go on to praise the sex scenes, the wide array of choices that actually lead to different outcomes and so forth, but I'll stop myself and just finish by telling you what an amazing job you've done, and how much I hope you'll manage to finish the story some day. --ArthurKung 00:29, 27 October 2014 (UTC)

Hey, thanks man, I appreciate getting some feedback. I honestly thought no one would read it, lol. At least until it's a little bit better/more complete. Yeah, I have so much more planned, but it's been kinda hard to commit to writing. Maybe it's the ADD, but I still want this to happen, so feedback like this is much appreciated. --IcarusDragon 11:46, November 2nd, 2014.

Hi, IcarusDragon, your story Marmota Nights is Great! Idea of repeating days is marvellous and exceptional, especially for sex games and stories. I read a lot of incest stories and must admit that your character-Mother has most realistic reactions on Kevin's lustful activity and sex-scenes are very good and literately written. I am sure there lots of people reading your awesome story, just continue to write it and don't try make it too extensive or you never end it :-) Eagerly waiting (since december 2014) for Kevin's another day! --ConradDE 29 AUG, 2015

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