+Jessica's Choices/I search you for narcotics and we’ll be done?.

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Jessica begins sobbing now “but I haven’t done anything wrong” “I” “I haven’t done anything”

Well you’ll have nothing to hide then will you George explains in a reassuring voice.

“okay” “okay you can search me” With a smile and evil glint in his eye George let’s go of Jessica’s hair. Right then take your seat belt off and squeeze in the back of the car.

“Here!” Jessica shouts, you can’t do it here what if someone or if the police come by, they’ll think we’re up to stuff. “would that be so bad miss Stanhead” George announces almost hurt by Jessica’s statement.

“yes!” people will think we are doing things, can’t we go somewhere? Or even go to my new families house and you can get it over with there?

George looks curiously around him and spots what looks to be a old stable of some sorts, he points in the direction and quickly starts the car up before Jessica can think to protest, as they round the corner and take the drive cut-off George notices that it’s actually a house, an old house and very weather beaten but none the less a house. Some of the bottom windows appear smashed or boarded up but it doesn’t look like it’s been lived in for some time.

George pulls the car to the front of the house at the bottom of three steps leading to the front door and turns the engine off, “here will do” he announces and proceeds to exit the car before going around the front and opening the child locked passenger door for Jessica before collecting her bags from the boot of the car.

“I don’t know about this George, I think we should leave this place is creepy and someone might live here” Jessica says as she is ushered out of the car by her arm and matched up the stairs.

George pushes the door and to his surprise it’s open, they are both met with a strong pungent smell “hello” “anyone here” “we just need to use your toilet” “hello your door was left George stops talking and sees a strange shape in the corner, the shine of sunlight flickering through the boards on the window shows the outline of a person sitting.

George not taking any chances takes advantage of knowing Jessica hasn’t noticed it and throws her head first into it.

“ahhhhhh” Jessica begins to scream incoherently thrashing around as the very dead body that was sat in corner falls on top of her trapping her under the mass of the large body and the concrete floor, help me George, please, get this off me. George moves around quickly but pulling the body by the arms from Jessica ends in the limbs giving way and pulling off in his hands coating Jessica chest and lower body in dead flesh and blood, “ohhhhh ahhhhh” George get it off, get it off as she wretches and throws up.

Alright alright, come here George calms her down as he brings her out from underneath the now unreasonable form on the floor oozing liquids around their feet.

Oh my god we need to get outta here and call the police, we need to leave, we need to do something.

“now now” George states, we first need to get you out of those clothes don’t you think?

Jessica looking perplexed at him, you can’t be serious? We need to phone the police!

George not wanting to give up the opportunity of an empty house and getting his grubby hands all over Jessica’s smooth teenage skin.

“No” George shouts almost desperately whilst taking Jessica by the arm, picking up her bags with his other hand and leading her through the damp living area of the house into a room that resembles a kitchen minus a sink and several cupboard doors but oddly included a large chest freezer towards the back of the room and a large table in the middle of the room. Spinning Jessica around with her back to the table making her feel more quezy from her vomit just moments ago.

“now I’d like you to remove your clothes and hand them to me” wiping slaver from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand whilst placing her bags on the floor next to his feet.

Jessica stood in the warm putrid smelling kitchen covered in blood and other bodily fluid causing her clothes to stick to her and show off her athletic form.

“Geoooorrrge” she stammered, I don’t feel right about this, I think I want to go to the police station instead. now tearing up.

“Do you have something to hid” George questioned with his hands raised above his hips open in a none threatening stance? Jessica shook her head no which caused George to take a deep breath and again “Then remove your clothes” he stopped folding his arms and looking Jessica in the eyes “or I will remove them for you” Jessica attempted to walk backwards from George forgetting that she had no where to go in this large room that George seemed to fill with his presence.

“Okay” Jessica said defeated as she began to lift her ruined crop top from her sides then up over her head, surprisingly her bra didn’t seem to get as damaged as she thought whilst looking down at it handing over her top to George for a search.

“don’t let me stop you dear” George hissed, “continue please” he added Jessica thinking tactfully decided to now step out of her trainers and remove her shorts, unfortunately because they were wet with green yellow fluid and incredibly tight getting out of these weren’t going to be easy, opening them at the fly produced the bright orange colour of her thong made brighter by a sudden flash of a camera.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” Jessica shouted whilst trying to adjust her vision from the unwanted and unknown flash.

George as quick as Jessica’s reaction to the flash instructed that he needed it for evidence and that he was bound by law to take the pictures. ”Now continue undressing” he sniggered whilst looking at the picture he had just taken.

Jessica started pulling at her shorts again attempting to try and get some leverage by pulling down one side followed by the other from the waistband then moving to the short legs to get a better pull, unknown to Jessica her thong was moving down with the shorts and in an instant she accidentally flashes her bald mound and George was ready with another flash which again startled Jessica causing her to lose vision momentarily and stumbled back in the table. “Can you tell me when your going to do that?” Jessica pleaded sobbing in between words.

“Sorry” George exhales whilst adjusting his semi erection in his pants. Jessica sets about the task of climbing out of her shorts doubled over and subsequently her thong also, raising to meet George’s gaze holding her left hand over pussy and handing over her shorts and thong to the eagerly waiting George. A single nod to Jessica signified her to remove her bra now.

Although she was basically naked Jessica still felt warm and her skin continued to sweat causing her flesh to glisten in the dull light sending George’s mind wild.

Jessica thought for a second then arched her back backwards causing her breasts to appear bigger as she reached around her back with her right hand to unclasp her bra whilst continually hiding her pussy with left hand. Successfully undoing her bra she had to show George something. Bringing her right hand through the loop showing off her right boob and swapping with her left hand to completed the removal of all clothing she turned to the side hiding her breasts with her left arm and holding out her bra.

“Right, that wasn’t so painful was it?” George asked rhetorically taking the bra from Jessica whilst catching a great view of her right butt cheek, full and firm looking.

George walking around Jessica placed her clothing on the table and started sorting through them, the clothes looked like doll clothing in his massive hands whilst he continued to sneak looks at Jessica attempting to hid herself.

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