
From Create Your Own Story

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You crumple up the map, which causes Pila to gasp.

"This is going NOWHERE." You say. "We have one day before they pass the job to someone else, and sitting here going over struts and holes are getting nowhere! We have a surplus of pellets! We waste the place."

Pila looked a bit timid, and Rat surprised. The three of you are in the tent just outside the large apartment complex, and have been for almost half a day. Pila indicated her initial broad readings were incredibly high, but what did it matter? The place was not collapsing yet.

"We suit up, and we go." You say, and move to your trunk. "We clear out starting on the top floor, going down. They tend to move up slower, so we will be extra sure we don't miss anything. Pila, you come up with us, stay one room behind after we are sure it is clear. Rat, you set traps on the stairs, the vents, the elevators, everything with an opening until we get to them. This is a normal run, even it is large."

You strap on yourself your gear - including the plastic protectors. "Pila, carry our extra dehydrators. Make sure you have your-"

"Own heat ray to stall them and a spare gun, I know." Pila said, though sounded wary. She liked plans, you know, but it can't be helped - you are losing the day, and this needs to be at least nearly cleared by tomorrow to keep the job. City Officials do not believe much in timetables unless it is for their own lazy stalling.

You look to Rat, take a brief look at his gear and scoff. He is a bit lazy, and practically an idiot, but you have to admit adding him to the group, at least for another body on hand, has been helpful for these larger missions. You take extra time with Pila's outfit. She has her scanner, her bag of supplies for you and Rat, her plastic chest protector about the size of a sports bra that carries one extra clip for her gun holstered at her hip (the belt and holster also plastic), and wears a green jumpsuit with various pockets. You never know all entirely what she brings - likely more batteries or other things. The two of you have done this a while now, and have hardly ever had an issue, although this job was nearly ten times larger than any you had before.

"We go up on the scaffolding. Pila, tell Rat each location to set up the trap. Got it, mousey?"

"Y-yes!" Rat stammered, a little flush.

"Alright. We move out."

The three of you make it up the scaffolding, but already you can hear both Pila and Rat breathing hard. Pila was never quite the athletic one, being rather delicate, but you need Rat on his toes. You turn back and growl at him, and he embarrassingly blinks back. When you make it to the top, you enter through a window and draw your gun. You are in one of the four apartments on this floor. It already looks well eaten - there are bound to be many. Pila has her scanner out, and you can begin to hunt the slimeroaches directly here with Rat, or begin to have the two set up traps at the vents and drains in the apartment first.

Wearing Plastic Chest Protector, Plastic gun belt, white crop top, knee pads, jean shorts, green jacket, tan ballcap, white socks, boots, black briefs
Mood Impetuous
Inventory BBgun (loaded, 20 bbs), BBgun (loaded, 20 bbs), knife, 3 bb clips, heat gun, ear piece + mic
Status Pila
Wearing Plastic Chest Protector, boots, jumpsuit, favorite shirt, shorts, likely conservative underwear
Mood Seems focused
Inventory Scanner, BBgun (loaded, 20 bbs), knife, 1 bb clips, heat gun, ear piece + mic
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