Serenity: crossing the line; stop the job

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The room was heating up from the two men getting excited. The bald man gripped Serenity's breasts tighter as he started to furiously fuck them harder and faster. As both men started coming closer to orgasm, the old man was wanting something more, with his hand still sliding along Serenity's pussy he thought he'd advance further. With three fingers the old man quickly penetrated Serenity's wet snatch without her consent.

This gave Serenity a shock, she jumped giving off a cute gasp as she released her tight grip on the old mans cock squeezing her eyes shut in sudden pain.

"Look how wet you are babe" said the old man acting surprised. "We can't let this opportunity go to waste."

As he wriggled his cold fingers trying to feel deeper inside Serenity, he was suddenly stopped by her as his wrist was gripped. Serenity forced his large hand out of her pants with haste and lift herself from her knees making the boob job come to a stop.

"What's wrong girl, was I being to rough?" The old man stated in a sarcastic voice.

"Enough!" Serenity yelled as she became nervous.

"Sorry babe, but that pussy of yours felt to tight, I just want to help you out, that's all" Continued the old man as he took a step closer to Serenity.

Serenity took a look pass the men noticing the door at the end of the toilet stalls where she came in from, she had to make her move. There was no time to dress, if she had to run outside the male bathroom with her tits bouncing around to avoid being attacked, then she gladly pick that option. She made so much money already however Serenity thought, maybe letting both men continue to fondle with her would be worth extra money. Serenity braced herself, preparing to run she placed her bare, right foot behind the other.

Serenity: accept foreplay; ask for even MORE money!

Serenity: escaping

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