From Create Your Own Story

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You stumble into your bedroom exhausted and still wearing your blue work shirt and black pants that the boss insists makes the staff look professional. It is eleven o'clock at night on a Friday and you still smell like hamburger grease and old french fries. All night long you've slaved away at your boring soul crushing fast food job making minimum wage and dealing with obnoxious customers and rude teenagers. You should be out partying with your friends and doing what normal people do on Friday nights not flipping burgers and listening to your soul die.

Like a zombie you shuffle past your computer and into the bathroom. In a few moments you're naked and relaxing under the hot spray of a shower head moaning quietly as you work the kinks out of your neck.

"Something has to change and soon" You say for the one thousandth time this week.

You hate your job, you hate your boss and all the people you work with, and you hate being stuck in your parent's house still following their rules even though you haven't been a kid for a while. More than one person could testify to just how true that is. With your shower over you walk back to the room wearing your towel and slide down into your computer chair.

Scrolling through social media you grow envious of your friends and the way they live. Carefree on their parents dime while they smoke and drink and occasionally study at their college campus. You were invited to a few of these parties but you remember you have to be in to work at six in the morning to prepare for another grueling day in Fast Food Warfare. Staring at the screen losing all desire to think about work or parties you open your bookmarks and scroll down the extensive list until you get to a page on the popular website CAPPY'S LIST. The page loads and bombards you with a cheap looking flyer that advertises a modeling gig in California.

You know it isn't a real modeling gig like for a magazine or something legitimate. No the words are vague and creepy but the pay is amazing. Sure it's not glamorous but everyone got their start somewhere. You read the dollar amount on the page and sigh thinking about what you could do with that kind of money. Why not you're young, good looking and you've always wanted to see California. Hell you might even make it big. It wouldn't be to hard.

You consider all the pros and cons arguing each of them in your head until you go crazy. You've been doing this for the past six months and you've always chickened out. How could you whine about your life if you weren't willing to change it. Here was a way out of your small non important town and your crummy job. A way to escape the tyranny of your parents and seek adventure. Taking the modeling gig meant freedom and that was the most tempting thing of all.

Your mouse hovers over the reply button. Slowly your finger caresses the mouse button and your heart pounds in your chest. Are you really about to do this? Yes you are.

Do you:

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