2T4U/Try to possess your dog Bandit

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You don't really like the idea of trying to possess a member of your family, but you really feel the need to be able to interact with the world. Fortunately, you have someone else suitable to meet your needs. It might be a little weird, but you figure it is worth a try.

You head down stairs to the laundry room. Here, you quickly find the bed where the family dog sleeps. There he is, a very hansom but shaggy looking Australian sheep dog. You cant help but smile as you kneel down next to his bed. You really wish you could reach out and touch him, scratch him behind the ears in greeting before having him take on this burden for you.

“Hey there buddy,” You say to him. He immediately stirs from his sleep, looking up and directly at you. What is this? Can he actually see and hear you? You are not sure, but at any rate he curls back up and settles his head back in the soft fabric of the dog-bed seeming to have decided not to bother with whatever it is that caught his attention. You are unsure of how to react for a second, but after a moment's thought a smile just crosses your face at the situation. Bandit always had been a rather bright dog, and it seems he is very perceptive on top of it too. Who can complain with this?

“Sorry,” you say, reaching your hands out for the back of his neck. “I'm going to have you help me out for a little while here.” With that, you jump onto his back and allow your ethereal body to settle in and overlap with that of your family dog. The next thing you know, you are laying on your stomach, very cozy in the position. Your legs, and to you they are now all legs with no arms, are tucked under you. They feel a little stiff as you push yourself to a standing position, and you quickly feel the need to shake yourself in order to work out the stiffness in your back, witch causes the tag at your neck to jingle as you shake your body like crazy.

You've done it. You are inside a dog's body. This.... most certainly seems weird, but you are also somehow able to move quite naturally in this body. Well, that's one less worry you suppose.

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