A six-year old girl with an abusive father

From Create Your Own Story

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After little delay you wake up in a room illuminated by the landing light, you look down to see a silhouette walk away from you, he exits the room, closing the door on his way out, leaving the room in darkness. You soon come to the realization that you're sprawled across the bed, naked. You feel anguished and you don't know why. Without further contemplation, you gather your wits and lift yourself out of bed. You're shorter than you remember, and your crotch area is reminiscent of a female's. Is it usually this sore?

"A 6 year old girl with an abusive father..."

It suddenly occurs to you that your spontaneous decision landed you in the body of a 6 year old, trapped in the home of an abusive father. This has to be some kind of simulation, or dream, right?

Tentatively, you open the door, hoping the man doesn't hear you. You crouch and sneak to what appears to be a bathroom. Upon entering, you slowly, but surely close the door behind you. The floor resembles that of a chessboard, black and white, cold against the soles of your small, delicate feet. There's a stool next to the bath tub, which you place in front of the wash basin to climb onto. Looking into the mirror you are greeted by a child with short, black hair. You would be cute if not for your sullen, somber expression and puffy eyes. There are no visible marks on your face, but there are numerous bruises across your arms, legs and genital area.

You will not stand for this. But you're in the body of a child, what can you possibly do?

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