Heather: Age 16

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:49, 18 July 2015 by Blackdragon25 (Talk | contribs)

Your name is Heather and you are the oldest of 4 children born to Steven and Stacy. You love your parents and sibling dearly though your feelings about them may considered taboo. Mostly this started by the involvement of you best friend Nicole. The to of you met in the 2nd grade and like sister's ever since. The family has also welcomed her as an honorary member of the family. You are considered by your peers to be extremely attractive at 5'7 with long blonde hair that you inherited from your mom and and a plump set of D cupped tits you have been working on since you were 10, another female trait of the women in family. Despite being just a few month short of being 17 you are already a bit of a nymph something that, so far, you have been hide from most of your friends and family. The major exception to that rule being Nicole.

Nicole is your height and a year older then you. Most people would consider her to be a tad on the plump side but you never payed much attention to that since she sports the biggest set of tits you have ever seen, a set of double F beauties that she enjoys putting on display. That is where you bi-sexual tendencies start but certainly isn't where they have ended, especially given your activities over the last few months.

The family is just finishing up dinner and starting to scatter through out the house. Your father heading into the family room to watch the late football game, soon Jessie and Jacob head up stairs to there rooms leaving Timmy to help his mother with the dishes. You are still wearing orange and black cheer-leading outfit, you bare mid-drift exposed along with an ample amount of cleavage given off by the tight top along with a skirt short enough to expose your skimpy pink, bikini cut panties if your not careful. Timmy has cleared the table and you get up to put your mostly empty plate into the sink as he takes up position at the sink to begin cleaning the dishes. In the refection of the microwave you can see you mother standing behind the two of you, quickly unbuttoning the top two buttons of her blouse before walking up beside Timmy and placing the rest of the dishes into the sink for him to wash with a smile on her face.

Most people would be shocked by your mother's act to deliberately expose some of her most intimate parts to your youngest sibling but this is not the first time you have seen her do something like this. You have long suspected that your Mom is harboring a major sexual attraction to Timmy and you would be lying to yourself if you don't admit to having more then a few fantasies surrounding a romp in the hay with little Timmy. Though Timmy is not the only family member to star in an orgasm inducing fantasy, given that you and you mom are his primary targets of his attempt to see tits and ass, he is the most common.

The closeness and the feeling of your mother's big breasts pressed against yours makes you sigh. As the two of you sit there pressing your tight feminine bodies together, both of you realize that this is more than a hug. You stand up and take her by the hand. What do you do?

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