Henrique, Pretender to the throne

From Create Your Own Story

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Barataria is a distant concern for you, no more important to you than the crisis in Syria, or East Byrzistan. It has been over a decade since you stepped foot on the soil of your homeland, shipped off to boarding school in Switzerland in your early teens, then onto Wykeham College in Oxford university. Now that your father is dead, the monarchy overthrown, and Blanco has taken full control of Barataria, you'll likely never see your country again. It's not that you don't care, it's just that there is so little you can do, you're just one person after all.

So you continue on with your life. You're still fabulously wealthy, much of your father's private money being invested in various stocks, bonds and properties across the world, most of which you and your younger brother Reinaldo inherited, and a settlement with Newtopia Ltd. over the loss of your investment in the Baratarian oil sector means you are both set for life. Accompanied by your constant friend and bodyguard Armando, you travel the world now, acting as the spokesman for several charities your father set up in the past. You have a well-earned reputation with the ladies, and your past girlfriends include royalty, movie star, and supermodels. Life is good for you, and while the plight of the Baratarian people saddens you, it doesn't mean it has to be a burden on your life.

One day, however, after coming home to your flat in London, you find a man waiting for you outside your door. He says he's a representative of the former Prime Minister of Barataria, who wants to form a government in exile. The man says that the Prime Minister and several other exiled Baratarian officials have gathered in a restaurant a few miles and request your attendance.

What do you do?

Go see the Prime Minister - You can at least hear the Prime Minister out, maybe you can lend some small support to their cause.

Don't go see the Prime Minister - The past is the past, why should you listen to a bunch of old men bicker about things they can't change?

You are: Citizen of Barataria
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