Show her what actually happens at her son's parties.

From Create Your Own Story

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Well let's go check it out." you tell her. As she walks past you and up the stairs you watch her ass. You open the door for her and step into the room. You watch her face drop as she sees what is actually going on, your sister in the middle of the room being spitroasted.

"Chad, what the fuck is going on!" she screams

The color in his face fades as he turns to face his mom.

"You're all sick fucks. I'm calling the police."

As she moves to the door you take the initiative and close it as you step in front of her. You look down at her in her little business outfit, some white button-up shirt with a skirt and some knee high fuck me boots. As she tries to move past you you push her back into a few of the bigger players and they quickly secure her with a few belts that were laying around.

"What the fuck, guys!" Chad shouts to you. "That's my mom, what are you doing?"

"Would you rather go to prison for fucking a six year old?" you tell him. "Because if we let her go it's over. In for a penny, in for a pound. But now the question is, what do we do with her?"

You're all in it now, might as well fuck her too.

Take her to another room and have her all to yourself.

Throw her in a closet and get back to fucking Miranda.

You are:
Josh, age 15
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