Well, if it feels good

From Create Your Own Story

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'Ok but you have to put the bottle stuff in there, I'm not putting my fingers in my bum!' you have a small giggle fit at the thought.

Josh throws you onto the bed while you're laughing and before you can flip yourslef over you feel pressure on your bum cheeks and realise josh is holding you down. You bury your face in the bed as you hear the bottle spurt and a cold liquid drip right into your bum hole.

Then something else goes into it, a finger. It feel different but similar in there compared to your kitty.

'Is your finger in there?' you ask, unsure,

'Yeah, see how much looser your ass is than your kitty?' you hear josh say, he sounds very excited. Your legs are pressed together and the bed rocks as Josh climbs onto the bed. You can feel his weight on the back of your legs.

'Ok, you have to tell me if it hurts, don't try and push me off or it might accidentally go further in'. You feel your bum cheeks get spread apart, and something push against your bum hole. It feels very strange, having something going the opposite way, into your bum! But it is much less painful than your kitty.

Then, it's almost like the tip has pushed past a barrier, and your bum feels completely full, just like when you're going to the toilet.

Weird, but oh god it feels so good!

It's so strange, you feel like you want to poo, but can't

Too full! You feel like you'll burst!

You are:
Miranda, age 6
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