38 36/PunishW/Not now/mother-in-law shopping to club

From Create Your Own Story

"I've heard about a club near here. Do you ladies want to check it out?" you ask.

"A club?" Janine says unhappily.

"Yes. A Club," her mother says. "I need to clear my head." She glances at her daughter. "And I'm not the only one."

"Fine." Janine sighs. She lost that battle.

So you all go to the club.

When you reach the club there is a long queue but you grease the bouncer's palm and he lets you in. You see flyers up everywhere in the club that say that they are having a Swimsuit contest tonight. The thought of Patricia and Janine competing in their new bikinis makes her cock harden.

You find a table and order drinks. While you take in the club scenery, you all have a few drinks. After a while, your wife goes to the restroom. Patricia sips a little and suddenly asks, "What are you planning?"

"What?" you asks in return.

"I see how you look a her. Are you planning something? Did something happen?" She leans forward. "Because, if you are, then you need to know that today I'm in playful mood."

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