2T4U/Theriomorph Abilities (Natural)

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Natural Theriomorph Abilities

A theriomorph (were-creature) is a human or supernatural being with the ability to change into an animal form at will. Natural theriomorphs are born that way either from a natural theriomorph parent(s) or the product of a fey theriomorph and an animal.

  • Shape Change: A natural theriomorph's defining ability is that they can change their shape to that of a specific animal. Unlike fey theriomorphs the mass can be different between the natural theriomorph's human and animal forms.
    • Natural theriomorphs only have two forms, human and animal. These forms are two parts of a joined soul. The human and animal are separate, but joined. There is in essence three minds: human, beast, and the shared mind. The shared mind is relatively weak, but if it becomes strong enough, the natural theriomorph can attain a hybrid form that is more powerful than the human form and beast form combined.
    • Natural theriomorphs can only change into one animal type, even in the rare event that their parents were two different were-types.
    • Natural theriomorphs heal some damage when transforming between forms.
      • A natural theriomorph can fully heal itself by transforming between human and animal form until they are fully healed.
    • Transforming between forms takes time, much more than a changeling's nearly instantaneous transformation, but less than a fey theriomorph. Practice can make the change faster. Unskilled theriomorphs can take as much as a minute to fully change. The most skilled theriomorphs still require at least 10 seconds to fully transform. During the transformation the natural theriomorph can do little more than change. They can move slowly, albeit in a shambling chaotic manner, but can do little else as their body twists itself into its new form.
  • Dual Reproduction: Natural theriomorphs can interbreed with humans or animals of the type that they can transform into. Offspring of a natural theriomorph and an animal results in either a natural theriomorph or a hyper-intelligent animal. Offspring of a natural theriomorph and a human can result in a normal human or a natural theriomorph. Offspring of two different were-types inherits one of their parent's were-types.
  • Animal Senses: Natural theriomorphs have the enhanced (or suppressed) senses of their animal form even while in human form. A were-wolf would have an enhanced sense of smell, a were-hawk would have an enhanced sense of sight, a were-mole would have a poor sense of sight, etc.

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