2T4U/Angel Abilities (Fallen)

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Fallen Angel Abilities

A fallen angel is a servant to the Judeo-Christian God, YHWH that has been cast out of heaven, but has not been cast down to Sheol (Hell). They are beautiful winged humanoids with glowing halos. Some of then resent being cast out, but some still retain their faith and devotion. The most common reason to be cast out is to "Lay with the daughters of man"; in other words to fuck a mortal.

  • Gender: Angels are androgynous hermaphrodites. They are generally referred to as "he", though there are occasional exceptions. Angels tend to be small-breasted, allowing them to pass as a full male as easily as they can a female. Not ALL angels are small-breasted, however.
  • Types: There are a lot of ways to get yourself booted out of heaven. Fallen angels only fall into two categories however. The Watchers, and the angels that fell after the Watchers.
    • Watchers: The Watchers were the first angels to fall. They were originally put on the earth to watch over and protect man, but being so close with mankind they couldn't help but to enjoy the pleasures of the women there. Their dalliances produced the oldest Nephilim.
    • Other Angels: While fornication with mortals is the most common way to get tossed out of heaven, there are many other ways. If the act was forbidden, but was not inherently evil, the angel is cast out and becomes a fallen angel. If they commit an act of evil, they are cast down and become a devil. Referring to a fallen angel's dismissal from heaven as being "cast down" instead of "cast out" is the greatest insult you can throw at them.
  • Abilities: Angels were created with a great deal of power, but much of it comes from a direct connection to heaven. Fallen angels have lost this connection, and are therefore less powerful than their unfallen brethren.
    • Flight: All angels, except for Thrones, have wings. All angels, including Thrones can fly. The speed at which fallen angels can fly is variable, but an average speed is mach 2.
    • Soul Reading: Angels can sense the weight of a soul, and inherently know the sinful and virtuous deeds that a being has performed at any time in their lives.
    • Invisibility: Angels can become invisible or visible with a bit of effort. A fallen angel's wings and halo are invisible, but with a LOT of effort can be made visible.
    • Intangibility: Angels can become intangible or tangible a bit of effort.
    • Physical Prowess: Angels are extremely physically strong and fast. Their abilities in this area are on par with an ancient vampire.
    • Indomitable Spirit: Angels cannot be affected by mind or emotion altering effects, except those of devils, other angels, or YHWH himself.
    • Space-time Warping: Angels can warp space-time. This allows them to perform an amazing number of effects, but is diminished when compared to angels that haven't fallen, and tires the fallen angel out quite easily.
      • Faster than Light Travel: Angels can warp space-time in such a manner that they effectively move faster than the speed of light. This is only an illusion however since they are actually moving space itself, and are not in motion themselves.
      • Time Dilation: Angels can speed up, or slow down the passage of time.
      • Wormholes: Angels can connect two points of space-time to create stable wormholes.
    • Faith Magi: Fallen angels that have maintained their faith and loyalty are accomplished Faith Magi.

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