Finish the two men off, the bastards

From Create Your Own Story

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Rage builds inside you as Melanie puts kisses all over your face. She's such a sweet girl, and these men were going to do terrible things to her. You gently push her aside, pick up the bat, and bash the two men in the head over and over. Your own rage drowns out Melanie's screams, and as you spatter blood and brains across the floor, you don't even notice her run out of the room.

By the time you've gained your composure, you hear the car starting in the garage. You dart out of the room, down the hall, and out the front door just as she's pulling out of the driveway. You try to stop her, waving your arms in the air, but she speeds off down the road. You go back in and sit on the couch.

An hour later, the police arrive. They're sympathetic to what's occurred given the circumstances, but they still arrest you and take you down to the station. After a long wait in county jail, you finally come to trial, and after two months of debates and listening to witnesses, the jury fines you guilty for killing two bound and defenseless men. The sentence is actually light. 20 years. It sucks, but it could have been worse.

You get to prison, and you do ten hard years before you're paroled. It isn't a nice place, and by the time you get out, Melanie has move far away. Most of your friends pretend they don't know you. You get a job changing tires at a local gas station, and start drinking heavily. Your parole officer warns against it. You keep drinking.

One night, you call up Melanie to ask how she is. She screams into the phone that you should never call her again. You drink. Then you drink more. Then still more. After getting good and drunk, you stagger out to your truck, and take off down the road.

It's months before they find you, still buckled inside your truck, deep at the bottom the river that runs alongside town. It's officially labeled suicide, but most honestly think you were just too drunk to be driving at night.

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