If the kick finds its mark, lands successfully

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:17, 13 November 2007 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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The Kid lashes out and kicks bar-manager Al Capone squarely between the legs.

It is the Kid's last known physical act besides a lot of whimpering, wailing, and begging...

Capone's security thugs swarm from the dim shadows around the club, engulfing the little fighter, and throttling the boy mercilessly. When Capone has recovered sufficiently, he too takes a swing at the child, clobbering the kid upside the face.

Capone and his crew the carry the nearly-unconscious boy to the street, to Capone's car. They drive across town, to the boy's home. A barking dog greets them from behind a picket fence. Capone's thugs manhandle the child up the walk, past the gate. The barking becomes a yelp and whimper, a crunching of bone and a sickly -THUD- of dead-weight, and all goes silent, except for the boy's whimpering.

"I told ya, kid..." Capone sneers, wiping the blood and filth from his hands onto to the Kid's torn and soiled jacket. "I'm a man of my word... let's go visit Mom and Pop, shall we?" he nods to his thugs, who clasp a hand over the Kid's mouth, stifling his whimpers before dragging him into the dark house.

Three sharp CRACKS like firecrackers flash through a window, the Kid screaming and wailing following 2 of the 3 small explosions... then silence...

as Capone and his goons make their exit, flickers of orange light simmer and grow behind the windows, inside the house. Minutes after Capone's car has driven from the neighborhood, the house is completely engulfed in flames.

The life of a mobster ain't easy, Kid. But there are damn sure better ways to get started than by attacking Al Capone!!

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