Cassie escapes the slugs and the forest

From Create Your Own Story

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Cassie let out her breath in relief when she escaped the woods. She was back on the main road, but lacking all her clothes except for her panties, even her papers were gone! Groaning and covering her exposed breasts, she moved her arms to cover herself.

Walking into the main gate she skipped earlier, Cassie looked around the main part of the property. It was mostly empty except for a large group of bushes off to the left. The bushes lacked foliage and on closer inspection she saw that they actually had small thorns on them. She didn't know what kind of bush these were, but she didn't want to get anywhere near them. Stepping away, Cassie started walking towards the house. The house was several stories tall and wide, so it was decently large but it lacked an cover over the front door. The mud in her panties sloshed around as she walked, her vagina aching from being squished full of the stuff - annoying her.

Cassie rang the doorbell, fearing the impression she was going to giver her foster family - showing up half-naked and covered in mud. She waited nervously for the door to open up, hearing the floor creak when someone approached the door. She gave herself a look-over before the door opened up. Her entire body was caked in dirt, her milky white skin hidden beneath the mud. She could still feel the mud inside of her, but she would deal with that later. More of the stuff was clumped up in her hair.

When the door opened up, she was looking at a middle-aged woman with a stern face who was glaring down on her.

"Were you playing in the mud girl?" Mrs. Dowd asked with criticism.

"No!" Cassie tried to convince the older woman - remembering her lack of papers, she spoke up. "I uhh... lost the papers with my clothes."

"What? Where?" the stern woman demanded.

"In the woods by the road, in a pool of mud! I umm... got stuck there." Cassie meekly replied.

"Well they are pretty worthless now!" Mrs. Dowd declared. "Now let's get you cleaned up! You are filthy!"

Cassie was brought inside the house and immediately noticed it was pretty old. The wood was chipped and broken, but that wasn't what she was looking at now. What looked like Mr. Dowd had appeared, a man supposedly in his forties had completely gray hair, with a scruffy neck beard, a beer belly, and even from across the room she could smell the alcohol.

"You must be Cassie! Nice to meet you young miss!" Mr. Dowd declared, stepping towards her.

Mrs. Dowd walked past on the way to the stairs when Mr. Dowd went in to hug Cassie. She was surprised by his forwardness, and even more so when she felt his hands forcefully grab her butt and give them a quick squeeze.

"Come on Jim, Cassie needs to get cleaned up." the woman said from the stairs, missing the interaction.

"You should be starting dinner dear, I can get help her get cleaned up." Mr. Dowd, or rather Jim, suggested to Cassie's horror.

Mrs. Dowd lets Jim clean Cassie

Mrs. Dowd lets Cassie herself

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