MKOT Fetch her some clothes?

From Create Your Own Story

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"Alright, alright, that's enough of a show for you"

Mrs.Garcia takes a moment to eye you up and down; you're sure she notices the tent in your pants when she cracks a devilish smirk. The moment seems to go on forever, feeling like a piece of meat being eyed at by hungry shopper. But before your mind can go any further into it's bizarre food fantasy; her voice jolts you to attention.

"Now then, since you've already proven to be so helpful and honest, you can help me with the next part."

You were about to speak up when she places her finger over your mouth in a shushing motion.

"The next part being...that I'm going out with some friends tonight, a girls night out. And I need to find the right clothes to wear."

Taking control, she takes you by the shoulder and turns you around, facing you towards her room. Suddenly feeling her hard nipples pressed against your back as she pushes herself against you, whispering into your ear:

"So go into my room, rummage through the drawers, the closet, and find something I can wear to go clubbing."

With that she pushes you off towards the room with a quick slap on your ass. A girls night out...clubbing...? You were about to look back, giving her a look of confusion, but decide it would be best not to. After all, she seems to be taking this master-slave relationship pretty seriously...and she seems to be picking it up rather easily too. You've always made jokes about how crazy things can seem over here, but maybe she really is crazy. Oh god I hope not, the internet has always told you not to stick your dick in crazy...but...

Wait, what the fuck and I going on about? Looking around you realize you auto-piloted your way into her room. The room was pretty much a copy of the house itself, messy. It really reminded you of some of your friends rooms, with clothes on the floor and random shit taking up space. Taking a brief moment to clear your head you start to search through the room for some clothing, and you find....

What do you bring back to her?

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