Segon: M, Infi, Prologue, CP/FR, 2, 2, 1, 2

From Create Your Own Story

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You brace yourself for Ray's assault, which does not take long to come in. Ray lashes out with punches, but you dodge most and deflect what you can't. Frustrated, Ray starts punching harder, exerting more and more energy. As you continue to evade his attacks he starts to push forward, forcing you to walk backwards. You know your back is almost to the wall, so when Ray throws a left hook you raise your arm and deflect the blow, spin around, and drive your elbow into his nose before stepping behind him. You throw another punch into the back of his head sending him reeling, then you kick out his knee, forcing him to kneel. You give him a swift kick in the back, pushing him onto his hands and knees. Ray, too exhausted from the flurry of attacks he threw at you, struggles to get up.

You clamber onto his back, grab his neck and twist. Ray tries to pull your hands off him with one hand while his other searches the ground below him. You brace for the feeling of his neck snapping when Ray slashes backwards with your dagger, just narrowly missing your face. The stab didn't work but it did cause you to flinch, and Ray forces you off of him, spins around, and tackles you. With him on top of you, you watch as he lifts the dagger high above his head with both hands and you grab his wrists before the dagger plunges into your chest. Ray continues to push down and you struggle to fight him off.

What do you do?

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