Segon: M, Infi, Prologue, CP/FR, 1, 2, 1, 3

From Create Your Own Story

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Ol' Ray isn't playing anymore, and it's time for you to stop fooling around as well. You bite down on Ray's hand, hard enough to draw blood, and although he screams he doesn't budge. You drive your knee into his balls, driving the wind out of him and granting you a moment's respite before he pushes down again and pins your legs with his own. The world is going black, you're dying and dying quickly. In desperation you reach upwards and grab Ray's face. He shakes your hand off, but more determined than ever you reach up with both hands, put a thumb over each of Ray's eyes, and push. And push. And push. You ignore the feeling of Ray's eyes moving back into his head, followed by the unpleasant sensation of them popping under the pressure of your thumbs, but his continued howls of pain make it hard to focus on anything else. Ray reaches up and grabs your hands, desperately trying to save his eyesight, and you push him off you and start coughing between greedy gasps for sweet, sweet air. Ray lays in the fetal position next to you, his hands covering the bloody chasms that are his eyes. No longer screaming but sobbing, Ray says "My eyes! My fucking eyes! Oh shit my eyes!"

You move away from him, and as you do so your finger brushes against the handle of your dagger. You wrap your fingers around the hilt and without hesitation you drive the blade into Ol' Ray's temple, and suddenly his weeping is silenced. Whether you killed him out of mercy, malice, or just plain professionalism, only you know. You pull the dagger out of his skull and lay back on your side, coughing and wheezing. You suck in the air greedily, struggling to take in oxygen as your throat begins to relax. Air never tasted so sweet to you before. When you're finally able to sit up, you yank the gold chain from Ray's neck and pocket it, a fine trophy from the fat fuck. You cough some more, and force yourself to your feet. You have a job to do. You search the room and find your other dagger, sheathe both, and start to head out. Of course, that's when you hear the quiet whimpering from the corner.

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