Montezuma's Revenge - Cassie is Caught By the Boy's Tribe

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition Anxious, Belly Aching Apparel and Items: Panties, Bra, Torn Shirt

Cassie jumped into the creek, wearing her shirt and bra. Since her colon was still acting up, she figured it was useless to put her panties back on. Instead, she left them by the edge of the water as she cleaned herself the best she could. It wasn't easy because excrement continued to leave her body, but Cassie was determined to improve her situation the only way she possibly could of.

Once Cassie got the mud and poop off of herself, she left the creek and began cleaning her panties. By this point, she had stopped relieving herself, although the pain in her stomach remained. She then slid her panties back up to her crotch area when she was satisfied with how they looked. Cassie figured she should preserve some of her dignity and keep wearing them until she would be forced to release her bowels.

Cassie was now ready to find her way out of the forest, but a rustling noise stopped her in her tracks. Before she could react, she found herself surrounded by men with the same tribal markings as the boy and the same attire. Aside from being much bigger than the boy, the men carried sticks that had sharpened stones tied to them. And they were all pointed at Cassie.

Behind her, Cassie noticed two men had picked up the airplane toilet and were shaking her feces out of it. When the toilet was emptied, they placed it right next to Cassie's backside. Meanwhile, the men with the spears were thrusting them in a forward motion, which made Cassie take a step backwards. Bumping into the toilet, she realized they wanted her to sit back down on it.

At first, Cassie considered treating the toilet like a regular chair, but a man in the center of the tribesmen shook his head as she began to sit with her panties on. While Cassie was fearful and embarrassed of exposing herself to these strange men, she was more afraid of what they might do to her if she didn't cooperate. She brought her panties down to her ankles and placed her naked butt on the plastic seat. The men had no reaction, although they showed no signs of disapproval either.

The two men then hoisted the sitting Cassie above their shoulders and began to march towards an unknown destination with the rest of the tribe. Cassie didn't know what bothered her more: being unaware of where she was headed or her constant stomach pains.

Eventually, the tribe stepped out of the woods and into a village. One sight made Cassie stare in awe; an enormous temple that stood nearby. It took her a moment to notice that was where the men were bringing her. They didn't stop carrying her until they climbed up the steps to the top of the tower. Even if she wasn't currently seated and at the risk of pooping uncontrollably again, Cassie knew she couldn't run from them. She eyed the men nervously as she waited to see what they were going to do to her.

Montezuma's Revenge - The Tribe Intends to Sacrifice Cassie

Montezuma's Revenge - The Tribe Begins to Worship Cassie

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