2T4U/Stay after class

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Your classmates quickly leave their seats and rush out through the doorway. After the last of them has made his exit, Mrs. Collins closes the door behind him and turns back at you.

Usually when you're told to stay after class, it's because the teachers are dissatisfied or angry about something you've done. But Mrs. Collins doesn't look to be either, and you're even able to see a smile on her face as she grabs a chair and sits down directly in front of you. Up close you can't help but to catch a whiff of her peach-scented perfume, and her brown, motherly eyes look even friendlier than usual as she puts a hand on your left knee, stating that:

"There's nothing wrong about your penis being stiff, Aaron. It happens to a lot of boys, though they're usually a bit older than you are. It'll probably come down on its own in a few minutes; but I just want you to know that it isn't dangerous at all."

At least that's a relief. Now you won't have to worry about turning into stone and dying before even having finished grade school. Though it still doesn't solve all your problems.

"But teacher, it really hurts when it's all stiff like this. Isn't there at least a way to make the pain go away?".

She chuckles, moving her hand up along your leg so that it's resting on top of your tent. "Of course there is. In fact, it doesn't have to hurt at all. If you know what to do with it, it can even feel pretty amazing."

Mrs. Collins then unzips your pants and pulls your little fella out into the fresh air, slowly jerking it with her soft, adult hand. If it felt good when you were touching your weiner earlier this morning, it feels even better now when someone else is doing it. She pulls and tugs on it gently, increasing the pace more and more as the other hand starts unzipping her own pants, revealing a bushy black cunt which she then starts rubbing lightly. Astonished by all this, all you're able to do is pant breathlessly at having your teacher yank your little fella. But even as she closes her eyes and leans in with puckered lips, you're not really sure what the best thing to do would be.

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