MKOT Bring on the secret mission

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:15, 30 November 2014 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

"Please, Mrs.Sato. I said I'll help in anyway I can." You answer with a smug grin.

Screw the repercussions, you're dying to know what she has in mind for you. And if it means getting some of that tight Asian ass you can't pass this up.

She lights up at your answer. seams like you're already taking some work off her shoulders.

"Great." Mrs.Sato answers. "Now like I said this is a very...sensitive work. And if you could only keep this between the two of us I would greatly appreciate it."

Now you can barely handle the suspense. You halfway expect her next words to be 'fuck me'. You can't wait.

"I want you to go down to the basement..." Your smile drops. This is sounding more and more a horror film. "...And I want you to get some of my clothes from the drying machine." Okay now this just got incredibly boring. But the look on Mrs.Sato face tells you there is more to this story. "Now as I told you I want this kept between us so it's key that my husband does not see you." She continues "I would do it myself but as you can see I'm very busy." You wonder about it for a moment but decide not to question it for now.

You make your way out of the office and into the living room. Mr.Sato is casually watching the TV. It's hardly a challenge to sneak past a man who struggles to turn himself to face you. And besides he is way to occupied watching his beloved telly. You get the feeling that this is part for the course in this hose. The resentment in Mrs.Sato's voice from yesterday starts to make more sense. You open the door to ,what you presume is, the basement carefully to avoid any attention.

Once you walk downstairs you see the clothes dryer working full time. You take a look at the timer and it looks like it's just finishing up. You stick around till the finish. In the meantime you think about why exactly those clothes could be so important to her. And why is she trying to hide them from her husband? Maybe the cool Mrs.Sato is not as dull and boring as she'd like everyone to believe. She reminds you of your own mother, except she is all ass and legs, not tits. So what exactly could it be spinning in there? Maybe she is working on getting out some white stains off her favorite dress after a night out on the town? He good one. Where in this shithole could a lady like her find some stud to take care off her? Aside from you of course. Maybe it's some new sexy pair of linguine she got without her hubby's knowledge? From what you can tell the thing spinning in there is red. The images off Mrs.Sato in sexy red linguine flood your mind. Seams like it's always the prim and proper ones that turn out to be the biggest sluts. Not like you mind.

Just as the curiosity started killing you the drying ends with a loud BEEP. You practically launch yourself at the drier doors. Opening them and pulling out the garment that's still warm. Your eyes almost fall out of your sockets at the sigh.

"H...H-Holly shit..." is all you manage to mumble out. you're holding what appears to be a traditional Chinese dress, the extra small edition. You tried to be politically correct and avoid racist stereotypes but this not only crossed the line but completely destroyed it. The dress looks like something out of a downtown massage parlor. It's red, with little golden patterns of flowers. It's pretty tight and really short. That thing could barely cover Mrs.Sato's ass. Your dick is hard as hell. You don't even care about stereotypes anymore. You'd do anything to have Mrs.Sat this on. Why the hell would she own that? Now you have to know.

You quickly sneak your way back into the office, this time being twice as much as careful. You feel like a MI6 agent with a very important package. Secret missions and sexy Asian women, yeah you're pretty much Bond.

As soon as you close the door behind you Mrs.Sato is rushing to you. She looks very desperate.

"So did you get it?" She asks getting right to the point.

You simply nod your head. Keeping yourself from saying 'mission accomplished'.

"And no one saw you? He didn't see?" She adds.

You nod again.

Mrs.Sato sighs in relief. You hand her the rolled up clothing and she qickly checks if everything is alright with it. "Thank you." she says, seeing everything is as it should be. But you're far to curious to stop here.

"So this's like a surprise gift for your husband? His birthday coming up? Mr.Sato is a very lucky man then." You ask raising your eyebrow.

The older woman struggles not to burst out laughing "Yeah right. Please, like I don't do enough for that man." She answers mockingly. You look her in the eyes with the type of expression that tells her that you wont be happy till she explains everything.

"Look it's a long story. The gist of it is I don't feel very happy working my ass off all day so I take up a hobby- traditional massage. There, happy?" Sh sounds pretty embarrassed about this and with an outfit like this you can tell why. You had no idea that traditional Asian massage involved looking like a traditional Asian whore. But you are very much in favor of multiculturalism.

"I didn't want my husband seeing it cause he would no doubt talk about how it's my responsibility to look after his sorry ass and how I shouldn't spend my time parading like a hooker cause it's shameful and blah blah blah. Look it doesn't mater. I'm not that good at it anyway."

You'd very much like to judge that for yourself.

Volunteer to let her practice on you.

Threaten to expose her little secret unless she cooperates.

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