MKOT Pay a visit to the Sato residence?

From Create Your Own Story

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Deciding that it would be the better choice, you head off to pay Mrs.Sato a visit. You already know that you need to help her out with her garden. She better have the ts for the job since you didn't bring anything. Still a little shaken after yesterday. But you don't get your hopes up for seeing her too much. Mrs.Sato seams like a very busy woman. You'd love to have a chance to meet her better, and not just in you fantasies. Maybe taking a little work off her shoulders would help her relax.

Once you arrive you put the dirty thoughts aside and ring the doorbell. You wait patiently for the door to open. It takes quite a while. Probably because of the fact that her husband is unable to move and answer the door himself. It's gonna be difficult to make any move on Mrs.Sato while Mr.Sato is breathing down your neck...not that you would ever do such a horrible thing. Besides, honor is very important to the eastern women...and you're being horribly racist again. Best not to mention it.

The door opens and you're greeted with Mrs.Sato in the same formal attire from yesterday. You say hi, trying to sound professional to avoid further dirty thoughts.

"Hello Bradley." She answers politely "I trust you're here because of the job?"

You nod your , keeping to your new 'professional' style. Or maybe you should ave bowed. No wait that's racist again. This is not a samurai film.

With a smile, she leads you inside. You say hi to Mr.Sato on your way to his wife's office. "You couldn't have come at a better time, Bradley." Mrs.Sato explains as you enter her office once again. You immediately notice a stack of papers on the desk. "I've been drowning in work all day and I could really use your help.". Sounds really serious, you think to yourself, but how exactly can you help her? You don't know anything about...well whatever it is that Mrs.Sato is doing here. The job description included picking out weeds not calculating the square root of whatever. "You mean with your garden?" You ask confused. She gives you a funny look but then something connects and she remembers yesterdays conversation. "Oh. Right. Yes. That is important to me to and I expect your help in that mater, however..." She pauses for a moment and you realize that something is up. "I have something else in mind for you." You mind goes in about a million different places and all of them with Mrs.Sato moaning for more. Her voice snaps you back to reality. "Look i know i never asked you for this but I have a very sensitive job for you in mind. I can't force you to accept it. If you'd like I can just take you to the garden."

You're a little curious about the job in question but, from the sound of it, it could land you in some deep shit. Maybe it's best to play it safe?

Just gardening is fine.

Bring on the secret mission

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