Cassie - Allergy to Clothes

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition Itchy Apparel and Items: Shirt, Shorts, Bra, Panties

Cassie wondered idly why she was so itchy. She walked down the street and stopped to scratch her skin.

Then she remembered.


The gypsy troupe had come to town, and Cassie's friend Mandy had insisted they go see them. Cassie really wasn't interested, but Mandy had won her over to the idea.

Cassie changed her mind quickly when she saw the half-naked gypsy boy dancing. He was about her age and incredibly handsome, in a dark way. Cassie stared, entranced, at him as he performed his routine. His flowing muscles hypnotized her, and his glance hooked her in with his dark eyes.

After the show, he stepped over to her. "Hi," he said. "Would you like to come with us and be my girlfriend? I saw you staring at me."

Cassie stood, torn. "That's a wonderful offer," she said. "Are you going to stay here?"

"No," was the reply. "We will live as we always have, on the move from town to town."

The regret was heavy in Cassie's voice. "Then... I'm sorry. I very much want to, but I cannot leave my home."

"It is a tradition that when rejected, we gypsies must impose a curse on the rejector," the boy responded. "But seeing as how you truly desire to come with me, for I can read your heart, I will make it as minor as I can. From now on, you will be allergic to clothes. Whenever your beautiful body is covered, the parts that are covered will itch. This curse will take effect tomorrow morning, and will be cancelled when you agree to join me." He handed Cassie a piece of paper. "Our future schedule. We will leave town tonight. This contains where we will be for the next year." He bowed. "Goodbye, beautiful girl."


He wasn't lying, Cassie thought. Every part of me that's covered is itching!

Cassie scratched, but the itching refused to go away. She frowned as she resumed heading towards her destination...

Allergy to Clothes - Cassie Heads For Her School

Allergy to Clothes - Cassie Heads For The Mall

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