Down a ton more whiskey as Adam talks

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You keep taking swigs from the bottle, and after a few small shots, Kara is finding downing the whiskey easier and probably taking more than you as you both listen to Adam talk.

Adam swigs between sentences, "Well, a few months back I was here, home on my own. You were at Lauren's, Kara, dad was away as usual, and mom was working. I was watching television, bored when I heard somebody at the door. I got up, opened it, and it was Raven. Dark haired, pale skin, I had a thing for her for a couple of years."

An increasingly drunk Kara interrupted "You pervert, she's my friend!" Then bursts out laughing before taking another swig.

Adam, who's increasingly less sober himself, carries on "So she's looking for you, sis, but you're out. So she goes to walk home, but I figure, if I don't make my move now, I may never get her alone again. I lie and tell her Kara will be back soon so she should wait and watch a movie with me. She agrees. I 'accidentally' put on a porn film and pretend I can't switch it off. She starts giggling, and says it's ok. Though porn isn't as good as the real thing. I was erect as soon as she said that!"

Hell, YOU find yourself getting turned on again now. Kara's hand is dangerously near your crotch area now as she drunkenly giggles through Adam's story.

Rub Kara's leg under the table

Undo your zip and place Kara's hand on your cock

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