The clerk gets free, but blames you for the robbery and refuses to help you.

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Status: Naked & Bound

You struggle mightily, but you cannot get your bonds loose. The criminal did a fine job of tightening them, and you can't get any purchase. You keep trying, however, desperate to get free. You don't know how long you struggle until you are crying from frustration.

You only stop because you are too exhausted to continue. You lower your head and cry.

When you look up, the clerk is standing over you, obviously having succeeded in getting free of her own bonds.

You wait, hoping she will now untie you.

Instead, she goes into the store room. She comes out wearing a blue man's oxford shirt. She buttons it as you watch.

Finally, when the shirt is buttoned and she is once again dressed, she says, "Thanks a lot, bitch."

You try to protest. "Mmmm," you say.

"I have to admit, it's an original idea, coming in naked to set up a robber. Well, I've had too much of this sort of shit. The paycheck I get here is not worth the danger. I'm quitting."

She walks out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

It's hours before anything happens. You spend the time struggling some more with your bonds, but again without success.

You are still bound as tightly as ever when, Finally, the door opens and a man walks in. You stop struggling and look at him.

He is about six feet tall, overweight, bald. He appears to be about fifty.

"My last clerk quit last night because of you, bitch," he says without preamble. "I can't replace her because no one will take a job in this part of town. It's just too dangerous."

He is holding a piece of paper. The clerk's resignation letter, you think.

"I've been robbed too many times. I will never make a profit here, as often as I get held up. So 'm going to walk away from it." He pauses, then says, "With a hefty insurance settlement."

You don't know what he means. He leaves the office and returns after several minutes. He is holding a can of gasoline. He splashes it all over the office, making sure to cover every surface. When the can is empty, he leaves the office and returns with a second one. He empties about half of this one over your body. Gasoline soaks your hair and drips down off your face and breasts and into your lap.

"Well, goodbye, bitch," he says. He lights several fires, including one near your feet, before leaving the store.

You start screaming as soon as the man leaves, and the flames start licking at your toes. The several fires in the office, and the flames outside in the main area, quickly start to grow out of control. Within minutes, the entire office is ablaze, and the flames are devouring your gasoline-soaked skin.

You scream in agony as the flames devour your breasts and set your hair on fire.

You are dead long before the store explodes, obliterating every trace of your charred, fire-ravaged body.


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