Stop acting/What's going on?

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:43, 5 October 2014 by Kibitz (Talk | contribs)

You don't understand, why is it Adam? Why him?

"I don't, think of you, like that," you say. You can easily feel the atmosphere shift into a awkward silence.

He stares at you, confused and saddened. He let's go of you, you can see that his face is bright red, you can equally guess that your face was the same shade.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry," he said. "You must be someone else, I'm, looking for, someone, else," he said, flustered.

He starts to walk away and you stare at his disappearing figure. You feel saddened. You didn't mean for all of that!

No! You fucked up! A voice says to you.

You look around, confused, and suddenly everything blurs, the park slowly fades away to a blank white in front of you. Everywhere around you, it's white. Blankness.

Slowly, a figure starts to materialize in front of you. A small outline, then slowly the features come in. There's a little girl standing there, facing away from you.

She seems to be quite young, ten years old was your good guess. She wore a white dress that seemed to be too big, the ruffles bunching up at her feet, immensely long sleeves went down to the floor as well.

She turned around, her short black hair framing her delicate face. Her eyes shimmered dark brown with a bright glint. She smiled, then she frowned.

"You messed up!" She said, her voice sweet and angelic, young and free.

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