Furry World/It's been a long time

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You let the waves of pleasure carry you over the edge. Your knot swells and your balls pull tight. A thick strand of cum flies from your tip to splash over the zebra's snout. A second burst slashes down onto the stripes right beside his nostrils, and your hips thrust forward on instinct. A huge line of cum explodes from your swollen shaft and you watch in wonder as it flies past the zebra to splash onto the sleeping fox's ear. You point your shaft upward, away from your friends, and the next burst lands on your own stomach fur, but the next airborne shot arcs up and lands on the pillowcases between the two sleeping furs' heads. Your paw is now a sticky mess: slowly, the orgasm fades, and you momentarily admire the path of destruction marked in white seed.

Furry Status (you)
Health 98 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Wolf
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