MKOT Snoop around Bree's room?

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:53, 10 September 2014 by Kazakom (Talk | contribs)

You wait around for a moment before checking the large window at the front of the house to make sure both of your parent's cars are gone.

Coast is clear.

You head down the side hallway that holds your room on the right, Bree's room on the left, and the bathroom at the end. Slipping into your sister's room you come to a sudden stop.

"Holy crap is this room a's like a tornado came through here"

Looking around you can barely see the floor beneath a sea of school supplies, clothes, art stuff, etc. Aside from the mess the room is similar to your own room except she doesn't have her own computer, you couldn't get your own computer till you were 16, passing it off as being needed for school work.....which it 10% of the time.

Its been a little while since you've been in Bree's room without her here. So you're curious if there is something new that she has, like maybe she decided to start keeping a diary? Your eyes fall back down to the mess on the floor, maybe I should clean this stuff up? Surprise Bree?

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