Leave the dog's body

From Create Your Own Story

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As much fun as that was you think you are ready to leave the dog's body. You jump out of your dog body. Suddenly something comes out of Rupert's body. It is another ghost girl. She is about 13 years old, your age, has light blue eyes and blonde, almost white, hair. Her hair is wild and crazy as if she was caught in a twister. "Hello" She says "My name is Cress."

"Umm..Hi,My name is _____." you say. "So you're not Rupert?".

"No, but I have been for a while."


"I could ask you the same question." Cress pauses "I don't want to move on. I plan to have fun in this world, whether i'm dead or alive."

"Take my hand and we'll have some more fun."

Take her hand

Screw You!! You're Crazy!

You are: A Young female ghost
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