Despite what the creep says, someone does find you.

From Create Your Own Story

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Status: Naked and Kidnapped

It isn't more than a few minutes later when you hear screaming in the woods nearby. Male screaming. It sounds as if someone's being tortured.

The screaming gradually comes closer, and now you can hear voices mixed in. A couple of authoritative male voices.

"Where exactly did you leave her?"

"Tell us and I'll ease your passing."

This is followed by more incoherent screaming.

"Over here, is it?"

The creep has been stripped naked. Six men, dressed in all black with black masks on, head towards you carrying him. You can see that his balls have been cut off, along with three of his fingers. One of the men sees you.

"Excellent." He produces a bloodied knife and with one quick motion, severs the creep's head. You faint from terror.

When you regain consciousness, you're no longer tied to the tree. You're still naked and have been gagged with a ball gag. Your arms have been drawn behind you and cuffed with comfortable, padded cuffs, and your ankles have been similarly cuffed. The same man who cut off the creep's head speaks. He appears to be the leader of the group.

"You're way too pretty to waste. We'll take you back and put you in one of the slave rooms." With that, another of the men produces a handkerchief and places it over your nose and mouth. You inhale a narcotic and fade into unconsciousness.

When you wake up this time, you're in a room made entirely of cement. You've been bathed and coated in herbal oils. You're lying on a large bed. The only thing else in the room is a table and a chair. A meal is sitting on a tray on the table. You rise, walk to the table, sit and eat. A red button on one of the walls has a label beneath it: you walk over to find it reads Bathroom. You push the button, and a section of wall slides open, revealing a well-stocked bathroom. You perform a function and return to the bed. Pushing the red button again makes the wall slide back into place. As you re-enter the room, a ceiling panel from the ceiling 20 feet above you opens and a man in all black, wearing a black mask, drops down suspended from a harness. He silently clears the try from the table, is pulled back up, and the panel closes.

With nothing else to do, you lie on the bed. A few minutes later, a voice seems to come from the ceiling. There must be a speaker there.

"For your first experience as a sex slave, would you like a man or a woman as your... partner?"

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