Head into the bar to see what all the cheering is about

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You amble in, find an empty seat, and order a club soda. You then look up at the TV. Atletico Madrid is playing Real Madrid, and Atletico is ahead 2-0. That must be why all the cheering.

"I hate those arrogant Real bastards," the guy next to you says, noticing where your attention has been drawn to. "They buy up everyone for outrageous prices and try to win with money. Atletico does it the right way."

As he speaks, Atletico steals a ball in midfield and surges forward, making a crisp series of passes and blasting a goal into the upper corner of the net. The Real players hang their heads, knowing it's over now. 3-0 with just 10 minutes left.

You join in the cheering and drink your club soda. The game soon ends, and most of the people file out. You could do the same, or you could look and see if any babes are hanging around.

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