Agree to take a break

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:26, 7 August 2014 by LydiaEverist (Talk | contribs)

"Sure. Let's take a break". You replied to Will. So you and Will go to the kitchen to eat something else. "what do you want to eat?" You ask directly to him. " I don't know, do you have a bag of chips?" You look at the food closet if there's any chips but what you're only left is four pieces of cheese-flavoured rice cake and multi Grain crackers (sinces that you don't like eating snack foods with higher carbs). "Oh." You looked ashamed as you blush slightly when bit your bottom lip with nervousness surroundes you. "I'm sorry Will, I don't have any chips." You turned to him with a bit of dissapointement. He instead is distantly calm about this. "It's Ok. What else do you have?" You signed with relief then countinued. "I also have rice cakes and multi-grain crackers." Then sunddedly you saw a smile across his face. It was cutest smile you've ever seen you wish you could just find the courage to kiss him! "Sure I would like some rice cake." You were surprised of his answer, because nobody you ever met would touch the stuff. "Let's go back to living room." You say with a smile.

Go back to the living room.

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