The statue comes to life

From Create Your Own Story

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Status: Naked and fucking a statue

You freeze in panic, the cock of the statue still buried all the way inside your vagina, as the security guard approaches. How can you possibly explain yourself? What are you going to do?

Suddenly, you hear an odd creaking noise, and you feel yourself lurching forward. Is the statue falling over? You start to scream, expecting to be crushed in an instant.

But the statue's not falling - it's walking! And not only that, the arms are closing around you! Not tightly, but enough to keep you in place. The guard can only gape as the statue steps off its pedestal and begins heading towards the door, taking you along for the ride! You think you're hallucinating, but the sharp pain of the bronze phallus within you lurching about with each step the giant takes reminds you that you're not.

Eventually, you're outside, and onlookers are staring in shock at you both, causing you to blush furiously. Nobody will ever forget this, especially you as the naked chick carried away by a statue. You wonder where the statue intends to take you, or if he even knows you're there.

He heads for the nearby woods, and after a few moments, you come to a clearing. At last he looks at you and smiles. "You...freed me," the statue says in a crisp metallic voice. "I was imprisoned in that form for centuries, doomed to endless frozen hours as a bronze thing in a museum."

You feel a lump in your throat at the thought of what this magnificent man must have been through.

"I have been waiting for a fair lady to pleasure herself with me. Only one who could come to climax twenty-five times in a row could free me from the first part of the spell."

Twenty-five orgasms? you think, blushing even more. Then you fully absorb what he is saying. "The first part?"

"Aye," the statue says. "For me to be restored to my true form, you must choose to stay with me and be mine for all time. In return, you will have eternal youth and beauty. What say you?"

It sounds too good to be true. What do you do?

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