PVT. Stone/Salute

From Create Your Own Story

< PVT. Stone
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"Private Stone reporting for dut.. *CoughCough*" You interupt yourself halfway with a coughing fit and are quite startled to find yourself coughing up blood. Some of the men around chuckle, but they get silenced by an angry glare from the colonel. "Easy there, Private. How do you feel?"

You feel like a pig post-slaughterhouse, but what you say is : "I'm fine sir, just a scratch." All the while wondering why exactly you're trying to act tough.

The colonel raises an eyebrow at you. "Yeah, I suppose you only took a glancing blow after all.. From that big-ass cannon that tore apart the entire truck and killed the rest of your squad in a single hit.." His monotone voice betraying just a hint of sarcasm.

He sighs and lights a cigarette. " 'Scuse me for smokin, but I'm fragile so I need something to lighten my spirit." He exhales a smoke cloud and continues. "You got off pretty lucky considering the situation you were in. No broken bones, no vital organs hit. Your lungs took some damage it seems, but nothin' you won't survive. I hope."

You take a deep breath and ask "What's going, on sir? What happened?".

He sighs again. "Ah yes, troublesome bit of business. They launched a surprise attack far deeper into our territory than we anticipated. Caught us with our pants down." He stares at you for a bit and continues. "Your truck was among the first to get hit, got blown up with a precision cannon along with 23 other trucks. They used five long range tanks and a squad of infantry armed with rpg's. Fired their payload at us and ran off before we even knew what was going on. 206 dead, 34 wounded and we haven't even arrived at the front yet. Some reinforcements we'll make."

You recall there were 50 trucks and 500 soldiers in this convoy and are struck with the realization that almost half of the regiment was taken out of comission in a single attack.

You :

Try to Cheer up the Colonel.

Try not to panic and ask what happens from here on out.

Panic and request to be taken to a hospital.

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