You'll need to save you're money

From Create Your Own Story

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You don't make enough gold to afford luxuries like that. Instead, you hand the barkeeper your canteen and ask him to fill it for you. Water will do just as fine. You clop along the wooden floor to the door. You swing it open, light stinging your eyes. The sun's rays already heating your fur, luckily you're clothes offer some protection. Sand and dust dance along the cobble path in the small town. The streets are bare, nobody is to be seen yet. After all, it is early still. The large town gates open as you approach. Wind blows in, carrying sand along with it; almost as if there was a loss of pressure in an airlock. You continue on, hooves sinking into the sand. For a moment, you wish you hadn't come to a city in the middle of the desert. Even so, the remoteness of the desert offers a lot of adventure to be had by a treasure hunter such as yourself

Brush off the sand and keep going

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