Approach the baggage carousel

From Create Your Own Story

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You approach the baggage carousel slowly, moving people aside with your arms.

Your eyes are fixed on the moving conveyor belt. No baggage has come out yet. You gently push aside some more people. You hear a man complaining about being pushed aside but you can't really hear what he said.

You get to the side of the baggage carousel and stare up and down the moving conveyor belt. A lady next to you says, "They haven't started putting the baggage onto the carousel yet." You turn your head slowly to look at her and smile a wide grin that turns into a full, crazed smile. She looks at you, smiles back, then appears a little befuddled by your over amusement at the empty baggage carousel.

You turn away from her face and look back at the moving conveyor belt of the baggage carousel.

Do you:

The Many Rooms
Location the airport (a baggage carousel)

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