"I don't think so..."

From Create Your Own Story

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"Well I took a good look at the thing, alright? Nowhere in its structure did it allow for anything like that," the redheaded nymph says, folding her arms. A sudden, muffled thump comes from behind you, and Fernweh grabs you by the shoulder and pulls you up to your feet. "They're falling now. Stand clear," she says, turning you away from her and pointing up. You glance upwards and see the forest of wrapped up bodies, hanging from thick bundles of spider silk that dangle down from the massive web on the high ceiling. One by one, as the web seems to dissolve, the corpses fall to the floor, even their wrappings vanishing, revealing dessicated flesh old enough to not even smell anymore.

"Around thirty victims total," she said, gripping your shoulder tightly. "Judging by the slow decay of the corpses, it drained them of all their fluids at the same time that it devoured their souls, and it looks like the webs it produced were not mundane, but of a magical nature. It must have prevented the actions of the scavengers and the decayers on them. Was it... building a collection?"

"Scavengers and decayers?" you ask.

Her grim thoughts are immediately interrupted, and she starts talking to you in a strangely enthusiastic voice. "Tiny, tiny things so small that nobody can see, hear, or smell them. They, along with insects, are the ones that turn a corpse to dirt, returning it to the cycle," she explains as the webbing of several more bodies breaks and they fall to the floor with hollow cracks.

"How do you know that?"

"Because I can sense them! They're a constant in this world, in all places, in and around all living things. They are the smallest units of life, and their function is vital to all of the rest of life. Of course, they also are dangerous if they grow too abundant, and they are sometimes the things that make people sick."

"I don't believe you," you mutter. "Are you trying to tell me that there's a bunch of puny things so small that I can't see them, living all over me?" There's a thump from a webbed-up body hitting the stone floor.

"Yep! And inside of you! It's fine if you don't believe me. The only ones who ever believe me are other fey who have sensed what I've sensed and come to the same conclusions." Thump-thump-crack. "Not even the wizards give me the time of day."

"That's crazy. You're crazy!" you say, but she chuckles and shrugs.

"Whatever, kid. Now, while we wait for these things to finish falling, you mind telling me a little more about yourself?" she asks, spinning you around in place so you face each other properly. Five more corpses fall down.

"Why should I? I don't even know anything about you!" you grumble.

"Fair point," Fernweh says. "But what would you ever want to know about little ol' me?" You pause, and think.

"How many have you slept with?" you say snidely.

"Oh, I don't keep count," the nymph says with a hint of amusement in her voice, bending down to whisper in your ear. You catch a hint of her natural fragrance, smelling of pines, which you note is the most common kind of tree in this area. Seeing her face so closely, you can appreciate how beautiful her skin is, and her fresh, warm breath tickles your cheek. Moreover, you get a great look at her cleavage, practically spilling out of her top. "Why do you ask? Are you hoping to be added to the tally?"

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