ROTS/Vader: The Greater Good

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A blast in the Force hurtles from you and slams into the enraged Jedi Knight, throwing her meters away. As she works herself back to her feet, you say simply, firmly, "I have."

She balks halfway to her feet, staring at you on one knee. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"It was too late, by the time I knew. He was already Chancellor—already Emperor—and Serra, even I couldn't kill him alone." You look toward the doorway as the thundering blaster fire moves further away. "He's already killed the four Masters sent to try."

Serra continues to stare. "Who? Which Masters?"

"Tiin. Kolar. Fisto. Windu. He faced them all at once and won, Serra."

She comes to her feet red-faced. "Slaughtering the Jedi will improve the galaxy, will it?" Her eyes are blazing with incredulous hate. It suits her.

You circle her slowly. "How many Separatists have you killed, Serra? How many cauterized throats have you seen roll off their shoulders? For what? Corruption, rebellion, threatening galactic peace. You've had no reservations about aggressive negotiation with those justifications before. Do you think the Jedi should be immune to them?"

"We've only been corrupted by the Chancellor, by the Sith Lord you've pledged to, Anakin... you're the worst of it."

"Funny. I'm the one who's going to survive the night. I'm the one who might live to throw him down. Do you think this Temple is worth more than that? More than peace? I never figured you a selfish one."

She seems to have trouble finding her words. "We could've worked together, Anakin. All of us—"

"We would have failed and it would have been a galactic catastrophe. He would have seen to it. But let him play Emperor, let him do what he thinks is necessary to unite the galaxy, and he'll unite it against him. And when the time is right—"

"You'll take his place?" she spits, "Kill your master and sit on his throne, isn't that how it works?"

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Darth Vader
Revenge of the Sith

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