Break its ankles.

From Create Your Own Story

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Of course! Its the only option is for you to break its ankles! With the bat, you lunge at its feet, using all your strength to hit the fragile bones. You hear a splintering crack and move out of the way in time for the zombie to collapse on the cement, leaving black goo where its body met pavement. However, its arms still reach for you in its relentless need for the uninfected and so you break its hands using the bottom of the bat to smash them like a hammer. It looks up at you as if pleading with its grey and yellow eyes, but you know this thing is a monster that cannot go on living its undead life. With one last swing from the bat, you completely shatter the skull against the pavement. Black ooze sprouts out from it like a tube of tempura paint which had been stepped on. It spreads everywhere, especially on your army pants and hoodie, along with your little brother's aluminum bat, but there isn't much you could have done for it anyways; you helped it.

You turn around and see a humanoid shape coming your way from across the street and take a protective stance, bringing the bat up again as if to swing at the figure that was too far to hit. As it comes closer however, you see it is a man, a real, live, living man, coming to you. He has hair that begins white at the roots and goes down to a dark grey as it reaches the tips of his hair which end on one side at this shoulder and the other by the nape of his neck. The hair style he has is lopsided in a way that makes him look attractively artistic. On the side of his hair that is longer than the other, a blue barret holds his bangs out of his face despite the small clump of flyaways that hang over his eyes which were narrowed with amusement at none other than you. Those eyes are sapphire blue you realize as he gets closer and closer, blue eyes framed by dark blonde lashes set in a heart shaped face that comes down to a long chin.

The stranger just screams handsome and oozes hormones and sex appeal. His body is wrapped in a green-black trench coat, most likely made of fleece, that hangs open in the front to reveal a men's blouse with exaggerated ruffles going from the hollow of his throat down to where one might guess the beginning of belly button was. On his legs are a nice, but dirty, pair of black dress pants, which had dark splotches on them. "Hello there, young lady," he says with a seductively deep and soft voice, smiling at you with all of his gleaming white teeth as he comes closer. From this distance you can tell he's a good foot taller than you and the faint smell of rot comes off him. "I couldn't help but notice how you took care of that zombie."

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