Country Girl/Uneventful. You arrive safely.

From Create Your Own Story

< Country Girl
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You find a seat at the back of the bus and fall asleep. The bus trip takes the rest of the day and all night. In the morning, the bus pulls into is destination. You get out, but yourself some breakfast at a coffee shop and decide to start looking for a place to live.

You begin walking, pretty much at random. After several blocks, you come to a nice looking apartment building that is advertising apartments for rent. You go in to the building to find out more and are disappointed a studio apartment is $1500 a month. There's no way you can afford that.

You keep looking most of the day, but most of the apartments are just too expensive. You have $600 left and no job. You are starting to get a bit worried.

Finally, late that afternoon, you find yourself in a dirtier part of town and see a sign advertising a cheap apartment for rent. You walk into the building and it appears to be a bar.

"Excuse me," you say to the bartender, "who do I talk to about the apartment for rent?"

The bartender, who is a big man in his 50s, looks you over for a second and replies, "Me. Let me get someone to watch the bar and I'll show you the apartment."

He goes into a back room for a minute and comes out with a younger guy, probably in his 20s. The older man turns to you and says, "Alright. Follow me."

You follow him to through a door near the back of the bar into a hallway. At one end of the hallway is a door to the street and at the other end is a stairway. You follow the man up the stairs as he starts talking: "I'm Bob. I own this place and run the bar downstairs. The apartment is a studio on the second floor. It needs a little bit of work, so I'll cut you a deal. $500 a month and no utilities." You don't say anything and a minute later you are standing in front of a door. Bob opens the door. "Here it is," he explains.

The room isn't big, but it has some nice big windows overlooking the street and a little kitchen area. It looks clean, but kind of old. It's not your first choice of apartments, but you don't have much money.

What you do?

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