Ask the guy for directions(IE/WF)
From Create Your Own Story
You know it would take blind luck to find your way out of here and having no other choice you walk up to the guy.
"Err excuse me I was wondering if you could help me?."
"What's up Little Puta, lost?."
"Yes, do you know the way out of here?."
"Sure I know lots of ways out of here, that's why I come here to smoke, cops can't catch me, they turn up I slip down one of these trails and I'm gone. So tell me where your headed and I tell you how to get there."
"I live not far from the far side of the recreation area."
He smiled at me before pointing at a path and answering.
"Yes, head down there then take a right, then left, left, straight on, right, right, left, left, straight, straight, and finally left."
"Could you write that down for me?."
"Sorry Little Puta no paper."
"My name is Emma."
"Hi Emma, I'm Bull."
"Sorry Bull, I guess I should have introduced myself first, could you lead me out of here please."
"Sure I'll point you in the right direction and follow on behind telling you which path to take but on one condition."
"Which is?."