Do as she says, and put your hands behind your back

From Create Your Own Story

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With a defeated sigh, you place your hands behind your back, and feel steel clamp tightly around your wrists. You then feel a soft hand take your arm and starts leading you to the town. You look down at your captor, and she's utterly gorgeous. With long brown hair, tied neatly into a bun. bright blue eyes. Full pouting red lips, with a mole near the right side. And though she wears heavy armor, you can tell that a voluptuous body hides underneath it. If you were to guess, you'd estimate that she's in her late twenties, or early thirties.

"You're beautiful." you say.

"Say something like that again, and I'll cut out your tongue."

You're pretty sure she means it, and hold yourself from further compliments. You guess her beauty is a touchy area for her. She was probably ridiculed for it, being a knight and all, a field mostly dominated by men.

As you enter the front gates of the town, everyone stops what they're doing when they lay eyes on you. "An orc!" one woman screams.

"The orcs have come to raid our town!" another shouts.

"People, calm down. He was alone when I found him, and I don't think there are any more out there." the knight assures the people.

The people look relieved, but still angry at you. One throws a tomato at your face, another throws an egg. You don't mind, in fact you think it's a perfectly good waste of food.

You are brought before the largest house in the town, and here you wait until the doors open. Out walks a finely dressed man, with a glass of wine.

"My lord." the knight says as she bows her head. "I found this orc wandering the woods just outside the town, sir. He claims he wanted to find a mate."

"Filthy creature. You think you can come here and rape our women for your own desires? Throw him in the dungeon! I'm putting you in charge of him, Isabelle. Make me proud." he says as he walks back inside.

The knight, Isabelle, bows her head, and whispers, "I shall... father."

Well, that explains a lot. She was most certainly ridiculed for her connection to the town's lord, and her beauty.

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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