Hot and Horny/Miranda Jessica naked Jess's room locked explore

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As daddy talks to your naked (hehe) sister in the hall, you walk around her room. It's not as messy as usual. Far less clothes are on the floor. You poke at some of the makeup on her desk and grab a light pink lipstick. You put it on and smack your lips together happily in her mirror. What else is in here?

You open up her nightstand. There are a lot of boring things - papers, a book, tissues, more makeup - but you do manage to find some small colorful candy! It's in a weird plastic pack. You poke out a few into your hand and pop them in your mouth. They don't really taste like much, which is disappointing. Jess seems to like them. She eats one every day! You take a few more just to be sure, but they aren't any better. Oh well.

On her bed you find what might be a clue: her panties! You jump up on the mattress and grab them, twisting them around before you notice they're kinda wet. Maybe Jess peed herself and had to take them off! That's happened to you at school before. But what's this next to it? It's a little purple tube with bumps all over it. It's wet too. These all have to be clues!

You wrap the panties around the tube, trying to figure out if they fit together somehow. Her panties were only wet in the crotch, which would make sense if she peed herself. But then why is this purple thing wet? Did she pee on it too? Did she try to wipe herself with it?

You see what looks like a twisty cap on the end of it. You're try to take it off when the purple tube starts to buzz!

What is this thing?!

The panties fall off of the tube as it shakes. You close your hand around the tip of it. It is really shaking! Maybe it's for tickling! That makes sense. You press it into your belly button. Nope. You try your armpit. Nuh-uh. Hmm. Well pee must have something to do with it.

You slide off the bed and squat down on the floor with your feet spread. You don't really need to pee, but you'll try. You move the tube between your legs an-


You squeak and drop it right away. That felt... weird.

But now you're really curious. You pick it up again, still buzzing, and rest it against your kitty. After a few seconds your toes curl into the carpet and you start breathing heavy.

"Whaaa... is... happe-"

You get a shiver up your back and stand up. You throw the tube on the bed and it turns itself off. It's the weirdest toy you've ever seen, but you kinda like it.

You are:
Miranda, age 6
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