TTE- Head to the balcony

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:24, 7 February 2014 by Darkus123 (Talk | contribs)

Still in your gown, you walk up to the balcony where the sound came from. You open the door to the balcony and saw your brother, Raiou, playing the harmonica.

Raiou is a teenager the same as your age. His black spiky hair and amber colored eyes gives off a feeling of mystery. He is very popular with the girls because of his looks and serious nature. Some say that he rejected all of the girls' confession because he has no interest of having a relationship. His skill with the twin katanas are swift and deadly, using both blades to attack ruthlessly and tactically. You're skill is on par with Raiou making you two a formidable pair.

Raiou then notices you and gives you a brotherly smile causing you to blush slightly. You and Raiou are not sibling by blood. He is adopted by your father during a mission. The first time you met him gives you quite a laugh.

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