Allow the Master to touch you

From Create Your Own Story

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"My body is your temple, my lord. You may do with it as you please," you respond.

This pleases him greatly, and he licks his drool covered lips. One of his smaller tentacles wraps itself around your arms and waist, and tightens, slime oozing out of it. It feels gross, but you can't deny that you are getting moist between the legs. You are then lifted off your feet and brought face to face with the Master. Seeing his face up close, you realize how much larger he is than you, but you can't turn away either. He presses you tightly against his skin, the wet sloshing sounds of slime fills the room.

"Hm, you are even more beautiful up close, my bride." he says, his warm foul breath washing over you.

You hold back a gag, and say, "I am glad that I am pleasing to you, my lord."

He chuckles. "There is no more need to be formal, my dear. You may refer to me by husband, or whatever you wish to call me."

"Don't you have a name?" you ask.

"I'm afraid you would not be able to pronounce it. Your tongue is too small and inflexible. But, if you wish, you may call me Cructmol. It is a small part of my name, and it now belongs to you."

"You honor me, my husband," you respond.

"Now, what shall I call you?"

"Me?" you ask. "I... I was never given a name."

Cructmol thinks for a minute, and then says, "Very well. Then I shall name you as my wife. You are Furana. Does it please you?"

"Very much, my husband. Thank you."

He smiles, and sets you back down on the floor. "Excellent. Now, let us cement our marriage. Come."

A small tentacle wraps itself around your shoulder and he slithers out of his room, with you beside him. You don't know what he means by cementing your marriage, but figure he wants to go through the ceremony that humans go through when they mate. You've never seen one before, so are unsure what to do, but you stay in close step with Cructmol.

Health Horny, female orc Furana, mated to Cructmol Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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