Alien Sex Slave

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Blinking under the bright light of a binary star, you step off the slave vessel and onto the dry, dusty earth of an alien world. Except, you are the alien here. You are an Earth man, nearly a century after the end of the great galactic war that left half of the galaxy in shambles and Earth in ruins.

This is the planet Toriin, pronounced Tor-een by the slavers who brought you here. You and about thirty others--some from Earth, some not; some human, some not--are dragged through the streets in a long line, all of you shackled together, and taken to a dirty, stinking waiting area, your shackles removed and your hands tied in front of you with rope. You are put into a holding cell with a few others to await your turn on the auction block.

You can hear the others talking in the cells around you. Someone has seen the crowd that has gathered to bid on you. They say there's a mage out there, and a werewolf, and the owner of a whorehouse, and an incubus. You're not sure which frightens you more.

Mages are powerful magic-users, often rich, and often sadistic, because, as the old saying went, Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Even a "good" mage was not to be trusted. Their magic was fueled by emotions, and their emotion of choice was lust, making them a bunch of hedonistic and sexually deviant perverts. That's what you've heard, anyway. You've never actually met a mage before, and you'd like to keep it that way.

You don't know much about werewolves, either, except that they're not like the monsters in the ancient Earth movies. They don't look like furry men, they aren't subject to the phases of the moon, and they don't turn into mindless animals. Even worse, they can shift at any time and they're just as smart in wolf form as in human form. One thing the movies did get right was they're ability to change others with just a single bite.

Whorehouses, brothels, and other establishments if ill repute are commonplace on most planets, with at least one in almost every town. Some hire whores and pay them wages and benefits, while others just buy slaves and force them to work. You really can't imagine a worse fate than that.

Well, maybe you can. Being the victim of an incubus would be worse. Like a sex vampire, the incubus demon feeds on his victim, draining the sexual desire out of them until they're just an empty shell with no drive, no desire, and no will left, and once the demon has sucked his victim dry, he devours their souls, too. So, come to think of it, you'd much rather be sold to a whorehouse.

After a while, the guards come for you and you're taken through the back corridors to the main room of the auction house. It's late and most of the crowd has left. You are the final slave up for bidding. They put you up on the block and you look down at the four men in the front row, wondering which of them is which: the mage, the werewolf, the pimp, and the incubus.

The first of the men is tall, with icy blue eyes and short, white hair, even though he only looks about thirty-five. The second is average height, with cocoa skin and pale, hazel eyes, maybe forty. The third is about the same height, but very lithe and slender, like a willow, and he can't be more then twenty-five. He has pale pink hair and lavender eyes. The fourth is muscular and stocky, maybe fifty, his long, black hair pulled back in a braid, his dark eyes quick and shrewd.

The auctioneer bangs his gavel and you jump, eliciting a laugh from the men. The auctioneer explains how the bidding works, and you're surprised to discover that you actually have some choice in who buys you. You can end the bidding at any time, once someone reaches you estimated value of three coins, or you can let them try to outbid each other and take your chances.

The auctioneer opens the bidding and the stocky man bids half a coin on you. That's cheap, so you guess he's not the mage, who is probably rich. He could be the incubus, or the pimp. The man with pink hair raises the bid to a coin. He could be the mage--they often use magic to change their appearance, like eye and hair color--but so can anyone else, for the right price. Perhaps the pimp would, to attract business. The tall man doubles the bid to two coins. You think he could be the pimp, or maybe the werewolf. He looks like an alpha. The dark man pushes the bid to three coins. Now he could be a werewolf; they often have amber or hazel wolf eyes. Then again, he could be the incubus, his skin dark like some demons'.

With the bid at three coins, the auctioneer looks at you. Do you want to stop the auction and be bought by the dark man?

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